Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Website Big Bang

How do we want to set up the page for our big project? I have started the page but I really don't think this is what we need for this page. I have a website linked to the page for doing recycling projects at school that I think is very helpful with lots of ideas on it. Lots of projects the students can also do at school for recycling projects.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I changed the link under the picture for Earth day so that it opened a new window.
I agree with Linda on the Earth Day page. We need to have it open a new window. We will work on fixing this today.

Concept Map

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Website Additions

Allison I like what you added to the website, but you might want to check the link on the Earth Day page because it should pull up a new window and it didn't when I clicked on the link. It's taking the current window to that page so you have to go back to get back to the website.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have started writing an introduction for our webpage but it is not completed yet. If you have any ideas or think any part of what I have written so far needs to be changed please do so. I will be looking at more of the clip arts to add to other pages this weekend.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Website Tenative Plan

hey guys! here is the plan that we came up with in class for our website:

  • home page -- link to activities (extra content)
  • concept map + blog
  • recycled products -- josh's lesson plan
  • types of materials to be recycled -- allison's lesson plan and google map
  • waste/pollution -- linda's lesson plan, allison's movie, josh's movie
  • big bang -- josh new lesson plan and linda new power point
  • products made from recycled materials -- linda's movie and podcast
  • earth day -- allison new movie
  • link to standards

if you guys have any suggestions...feel free to add or change anything!